Tuesday, November 22, 2005

A friend from afar

It was nice to see my friend again. It's been quite a while. I had a chance to see her last year at her wedding. But I missed it. I regret that I didn't go.

We've been friends for more than 12 years. I just realized such a lasting friendship is very precious. People come and go out of our lives. The ones who stay friends can be counted with only one hand. Well... for me that is. Some people are more successful at making friends. I am not. I am not very inclined towards socializing. I am just weird I guess. I just think that I was never good at it and I am still not. But interestingly, I do have very good relationships with people at school and at work--colleagues, secretaries, professors... even the janitors. It seems so contradictory.

I will miss my friend dearly. But I know that she's married to a good husband. She will be well taken care of. I have a good instinct about people. I somehow feel that her husband is a good person and he will be good to her. I am happy for her.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Speaking of dreams...

I had a weird one this morning. In the dream, I was with someone and looking at the sonogram of a baby. Aiyo.. so weird... I have no idea who the lady was! I assume I was looking at her baby on the monitor. I felt I was close to that woman. But I have no recollection of how she looked like... and I am pretty sure that I do not know her. I also remember that seeing the baby kicking in her womb. Geez...

Saturday, November 19, 2005

An update...

I passed my PhD defense on Tuesday. I am so gald that it is almost over now. I have to deposit my thesis and that's about it. At the mean time, I am very busy trying to get a NSF proposal put together for my advisor... and trying to pack up to get ready for moving in December.

A friend is coming all the way from California... I am going to meet her up in Chicago. A party of sorts... with her husband and her many friedns... looking forward to that. Kinda scared a little.. Meeting new people. Oh....

Monday, November 14, 2005


This is the acknowledgments I wrote for my thesis.

Six years into its making, this thesis finally comes to life. I must, therefore, give thanks with deepest gratitude to my major advisor, Dr. Rao Govindaraju, for his patience in putting up with my constant procrastination. In truth, Dr. Govindaraju has been a tremendous mentor, and I owe him everything that I have accomplished in my academic endeavor at Purdue. I am also deeply indebted to Dr. Dennis Lyn for his guidance not only in academic research but also in life. I will miss dearly the countless hours that I spent in his office distracting him from his work. His brilliant intellect (along with his hair) will always remind me of Albert Einstein. It has been my great fortune to know Dr. Lyn and have him served on my committee. I am greatly thankful to Dr. Ramachandra Rao for his support and guidance in life. He has been like a surrogate father to me for my many years at Purdue, away from home. I would also like to thank Dr. John Cushman for serving on my committee. I will always be in awe of his exceptional brilliance in mathematics. Dr. James Alleman, while not serving on my committee, has been monumental to both my
undergraduate and graduate career at Purdue. My sincere gratitude goes to him.

I have been fortunate to work with a group of great staff members in the School of Civil Engineering. Without their help, this thesis would not have been possible. They are, Rita Butz, Dinah Hackerd, Linda Higgins, Marcie Duffin, and Tom Cooper. My thanks also go to my fellow graduate students, Zorana Naunovic, En-Ching Hsu, Bin Zhang, and Nazmun Nahar, for their companionship has made my journey through graduate school endurable. Special thanks go to my friends, Karen Cheng and Jennie Mak, who have shared with me good times and given me support through difficult ones.

I have to express my utmost gratitude to my family. I am forever indebted to my parents and my sister for their sacrifice that had allowed me to pursue my dream and my future. I am especially thankful for their unfailing love and support. Their confidence in my ability provided me with the necessary strength to complete this thesis. Finally, I give thanks to God, for He has made every thing possible in my life.

During my graduate study at Purdue, I received financial support from the Joint Transportation Research Program (JTRP) and the Purdue Research Foundation (PRF). The School of Civil Engineering had also provided me with teaching assistantship, from which I gained valuable teaching experience and also discovered my great love for teaching. Their support is gratefully acknowledged and appreciated.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Bright and Beautiful

Time to post an entry. Lazy bone took on a strike this past few days and refused to produce any thing for this blog of mine...

I bid farewell to my parents last Saturday. I thought I would have felt relieved when they left... but I didn't. In fact, I missed them already... not only for the food that they prepared... but also for their very presence. I start to understand my mom's feelings about our family being all together. I did feel the completeness when my sister was here a few months ago. It had been years since we had a chance for 4 of us being together.

I finally found a place to live near work. It's a nice little townhouse with 2 bedrooms and an attached garage. The landlord is Filipino and she is so very nice and let me move in my stuff next week before I even start paying her rent. I am fortunate to run into nice people... I have to be thankful to God, for He has done amazing things in my life especially in the past few months. Thank you, God. You have made every day of life bright and beautiful.

Friday, November 04, 2005


What sustain a relationship are not big promises, but rather, everyday little things.

A Presentation

I have a presentation to share. I promised the person who wrote the presentation not to reveal his name. I am not going to make any comments on the presentation itself. But let me assure you that this person has put in tremendous efforts in preparing this presentation. In fact, I admire and respect this person very much. Here it is. Enjoy!

六月我去中国。在我的演讲,我要你们告诉我的旅行。我也 给你们看一些照片。




巡游在重庆市跟一瓶啤酒。这是我朋有,曲先生。她是中国人。背景是有名三峡的一个峡。别的照片的三峡的一个峡。 这是三峡大坝,世界上最大坝。

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

3 for $99

I have to post this. The writer speaks my heart literally.

三件 99 塊                ‧王文華


哥哥一家人帶媽媽去淡水玩,回來後我問她玩了哪些地方、吃了什麼東西。她沒有說出著名的漁人碼頭或阿給,反倒是興奮地說:「我幫你買了幾條褲子!」我從她手上接過一個紅白相間的塑膠袋,把裡面的東西拿出來一看,是三件一套的內褲。雖然有「Burberry」的格子花紋,牌子卻叫做「Gi- annetto」。「是名牌嗎?」媽媽問我。「哇,是義大利的!」我假裝興高采烈地說。她流露出驕傲的表情:「我很會買吧,義大利的,三件才99塊!」





媽媽所以這樣節省,跟她的際遇有關。從小離家,身無分文闖蕩天下,一輩子公務員,每一塊錢,都是加班和標會存起來的。「你們這些年輕人喔,身在福中不知福,沒有窮過,花錢像花水一樣。」窮過的媽媽,對於金錢永遠有種不安全感。縱使今天有了積蓄,刷牙時水龍頭仍會關緊,兩三件衣服絕對不用洗衣機。她的錢,一塊一塊地賺來。花的時候,也一塊一塊地花。我們花錢,總是一百一百、一千一千地讓人找。她買任何東西,總是能找出剛好的零錢。媽媽一輩子沒用過信用卡,一輩子沒欠過帳。六十歲後沒買過衣服,十年來鞋子都是那一雙。帶她去逛 101,「媽,我們買這件衣服給你好不好?」「多少錢?」「兩千塊。」我們自動減了一萬,她仍然說:「神經病,我在沅陵街買,比這裡便宜一倍!」為了讓媽媽嘗鮮,我們帶她去吃義大利麵,她說:「這什麼玩意兒啊?還不如巷口的涼麵!」




媽媽省那兩三塊的垃圾袋,但不省大錢。我和哥哥都讀了九年的私立中小學,那時學費一學期要一萬多。我去美國念MBA,兩年花了兩百萬台幣,全是爸媽一學期一學期、幾千美金幾千美金寄去的。我從來不需要開口,戶頭的餘額永遠足夠。餘額的每一個零,都是爸媽十幾二十年吃涼麵的身影。我在名校裡高高在上,看不到爸媽身影後無數的卑躬屈膝。我曾經覺得:媽媽破舊的衣服讓我們在同學面前丟臉,她的討價還價讓我們在美麗的女店員面前尷尬。但她若不是這樣,我哪能念我的 MBA?做我的雅痞?搞那些生活品味,自以為我比我媽高級?


媽媽的一生,都在尋找三件 99 塊的東西。但我今天終於明白,她活得比我們誰都高貴。我從小就知道家裡不有錢,也曾因此埋怨過爸媽。但現在回頭看,從小到大,沒有一次,是的,沒有一次,我沒有得到我想要的東西。我要的玩具,要的衣服,要的科系,要的人生,媽媽統統給了我。沒有打折,只有更多。她總是在表面上喋喋不休地數落,事後又偷偷地塞給我。





◎刊載於《聯合報》副刊 2004 / 02 / 13

Shooting star

I thoought I saw a shooting star on the way home, did I? A bright white dot falling off the edge of the sky...

I always wanted to see a shooting star because I never quite knew whether I saw one or not. Just like this time. Friends... can you tell me what a real shooting star looks like?