Monday, April 30, 2007

A plan to stay focus

I think what I need to do is stop thinking and keep myself busy with work.
The more time I sit idle, the more opportunities my brain has for wondering aimlessly.
Timing is a tricky thing.
I suck at it.
Big time.


No body is perfect.
It is imperfection that defines one's life.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


Anyone care to guess what this is?

BTW, I have no idea.

Pictures from weekend

Went to Garfield Conservatory in Chicago Saturday. A big greenhouse. Spring flower show.
Garfield Conservatory

Should have been working today. But I ended up taking a walk in Perry Farm. Snapped a few pictures.
Perry Farm--Spring 2007

A hug from Daisy.

I opened my garage door this afternoon and there she is... Daisy standing right there with her bike by her side. She asked... are you going to work? I was going to take a walk at Perry Farm (will post pictures later) and then come to work. So I said... yeah. She stretched out both of her arms, asking for a hug! Oh...... My heart just melted right there.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


You know what makes me truly happy after I get home from work every evening?

Seeing the kids playing outside... and Douglas would come up to me and say... Can you fix my scooter? ... and Daisy would ask.... Can you play race with me?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I am so burnt out at work. Really need some time to relax and recharge.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


I ended up singing karaoke tonight on my computer--Jacky Live Performance 2005. I think it's kinda pathetic. I finished the 2 vcds... didn't sing every song coz I don't know some of them. But I was actually enjoying myself, believe it or not. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep better tonight. The closing song is:

愛 是 永 恆   傳 說 中 代 表 愛 情 的 花 , 終 於 長 滿 在 湖 邊

曲 : Dick Lee   詞 : 林 振 強   編 : Iskanda Ismail

有 始 不 有 終   能 受 百 樣 痛   從 沒 有 合 約 合 同   但 卻 跨 時 空
這 滔 滔 不 息 的 愛   我 贈 給 你 用   這 一 生   和 下 世   有 幾 多   全 奉 送
閉 起 的 眼 中   無 論 重 又 重   仍 是 見 著 你 面 容   在 我 心 湖 中
這 份 愛   永 遠 都 存 在   共 你 同 在   無 盡 永 恆 中
有 著 我   便 有 著 你   真 愛 是 永 不 死   穿 過 喜 和 悲   跨 過 生 和 死
有 著 我   便 有 著 你   千 個 萬 個 世 紀   ( 天 老 地 老 也 好 )   絕 未 離 棄   愛 是 永 恆 當 所 愛 是 你
兩 手 雖 似 空   其 實 抱 著 你   其 實 你 沒 有 別 離   在 我 心 湖 中
每 掠 過   也 似 風 撩 動   令 這 湖 上   無 盡 愛 浪 湧

This is what love is supposed to be. Not the perfect kinda love, but love that endures pain and sadness, and joy and hope. Love that has a beginning but with no ends. Love that requires no commitment, yet lasts forever, beyond life and death.

bike ride

You know... one unpleasant thing about riding a bike? Your butt hurts the next day.

A futile attempt to take a nap

Haven't slept well for the past couple of nights. Got back from church this morning and tried to take a nap. But my head was just full of ....., so with my eyes closed, I probably lay there in my bed for an hour.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Finally, Spring is back. But I have to work. *sigh....

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Morning Duck

A female Mallard was sitting on the lawn outside of my living room window this morning. The pond is actually couple blocks away. Wonder what she was doing here. Will she come back tomorrow morning?
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End of Love?


My neighbors' kids made this heart-shaped sign with gravel right on the sidewalk by my garage. Thought it was kinda cute. End of Love? I suppose?
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Wastewater treatment in HK

Wittybb sent me this article: 黎廣德﹕淨化維港 加速發展 決心何在?

I too don't understand why Hong Kong Government is dragging its feet in wastewater treatment. Despite a large surplus in the budget, Phase 2B of the wastewater treatment plan won't be reviewed till 2010? Secondary treatment (activated sludge or other biological processes) is a must and should have been implemented along with the primary treatment (physical/chemical processes). If the government is serious about cleaning up the Victoria Harbor, it should build a treatment plant that is up to the US standards.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Pursuit of Happyness

Never give up... no matter how difficult the situation appears to be. There is always a way out. There is always a solution. Never loose faith... never loose hope. This is the pursuit of happiness.

P.S. I think Will Smith's son deserves an Oscar for his performance.

Uh Oh

I think babies like to say "uh oh" all the time. My boss' son does that when something falls out of his hand... or whenever he feels like to. Today... a baby girl was saying "uh oh" too while I was lunching at El Burrito Loco.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

A piece of advice

I asked my good friend why it is so hard to find someone whom I can share my life with?

She replied

- you're unique
- you won't treasure her as much if it's easy
- and if it's so easy she won't be special and unique?!~

Very true.


Miracles exist for those who believe in them.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


When reality hits you smack in the face,
it's got to hurt.
It is unsettling.
But truth cannot be denied.
Intuition has its place?
Or experience calling its shots?
The unknown is the biggest fear of all.
Shall we lift this fear
by revealing our true selves underneath?

Einstein and God and Science

Reading the two articles recommended by Wittybb and David... reminded me that I had actually written a couple of blog entries a while back which talked about similar issues.

An Equation...
I pondered the possibility of a single equation that would describe everything in this world and universe, including every physical thing and you and me and even our behavior. This is the deterministic view point held by Einstein. And as Christians, we believe that God has a plan for us... which in a certain sense, for He has laid out a plan, His plan is deterministic. Yet, we also speak of free will and that we are responsible for things that we do and say. It is contradictory. But I do not struggle with it. I'd like to believe that we do have free will and we should be held accountable for our actions. But who are we to say that our free will is not part of God's grand plan for us? Our free will could very well be just the random noise in the grander scale of things. Knowing this makes us humble and meek as how Jesus has taught us.

On God and Science
I struggled a great deal and I still do, to this day, on how to make compromises between faith and science. I believe science is a discovery tool... a tool that we should use to explore and understand God's creation. The more we know, we realize that there are still more things that we don't know. What remains mystery is in our faith to believe.

Easter Weekend

What a disappointment that the weather was so unseasonably cold this weekend. Despite the weather, this Easter weekend was quite good (or at least so it seemed).

Saturday, I went up to Chicago Chinatown and had "dim sum" with my friend and my boss' family of four. My boss was brave enough to try "chicken feet" but didn't like them. Andrew was so dazed at first as I had never seen him so quiet before. But then he finally sobered up and just didn't want to sit still on my lap. We did a little tour of chinatown after lunch. But it was just too cold to be walking around, let alone with two kids. Dinner was at chinatown again and met some new friends. And that was good.

Sunday morning I was at church for the Easter service. A family invited me to their Easter's dinner, for the second year. It was so kind of them.... I felt like I was in a home away from home. Jokes, laughters, and kids running around and screaming... they said grandma had a crush on me... as she complimented on my eyes, saying that there were attractive?! No one had ever said anything nice about my eyes, except with words like "tiny" and "small." Anyway, I was flattered... Kidding aside, grandma is really kind.

I took many pictures especially of the kids. Here are two of them.

Carly looking up at the balloon...

An intimate moment of Maya and Carly...

Sunday, April 01, 2007


They had the music video-movie on last night... I believe it was the last of Leslie's work. Never watched it before. Pretty good.

Snow's in the forecast later this week. Hope the Easter weekend will have good weather. Last year it was horrible. Thunder and bad storm.

Going to work this afternoon, again. Have to finish the resubmittal to INDR. My client is breathing down my neck.