Saturday, July 22, 2006


God'’s purposes could, in principle, be achieved as much through an evolutionary process as in any other scientifically defined process. It is important to remember that there is no clear demarcation line in the Bible between God's '‘works' in nature and his '‘works' in history: He is seen as sovereign in both.

Psalm 104 (Ps 104:24)
'How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all'’

it dawned on me... as I was reading the article. What if God is nature and Nature is God? God is the every rule and process that humankind has discovered and yet to be uncovered.

Sunday, July 09, 2006


They got married today. I was not able to attend their ceremony, however. I am truely happy for them. May God bless their every step forward. The road ahead of them may not be easy, but they will have their beloved daughter, AvaJane, who will give them joy and hope even during difficult times. God is good. And God will provide for them and their soon-to-be-born AvaJane.

Fireworks II

Monday, July 03, 2006


A colorful and brilliant light show yet only lasts for a moment.