Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Valentines... belated

On valentines day, I asked a quartet from my barbershop chorus to sing for all the ladies in my office. Here's a slideshow made by the local newspaper... I was singing in the quartet as well.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Picked up my friend, wu kong--the monkey (Mii nickname), from Ohare yesterday afternoon, then went to Trader Joe's to get some grocery and couple bottles of wines. I cooked chicken and some vegetables for our "year-end" dinner. The Black Mountain Chardonnay was good but the Barefoot Merlot was a bit of a disappointment. Anyway, we stated playing Wii after dinner. We started with the Sports games then moved on to the Wii Play. Then we spent all night playing Excite Truck. The Excite Truck game was a lot of fun. High jumps, drifts and crashes... We didn't realize it was 6 in the morning until we quit playing.

Happy New Year! Year Year Have Fish! Heart Thinks Things Made!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Snow and Wii

At least 12 inches of snow forecasted for tonight and tomorrow.

I got my Wii this evening! I played all the sports games. I am now exhausted. But Fun!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Shitty Island

Excerpt from The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, by Haruki Murakami
Somewhere, far, far away, there's a shitty island. An island without a name. An island not worth giving a name. A shitty island with a shitty shape. On this shitty island grow palm trees that also have shitty shapes. And the palm trees produce coconuts that give off a shitty smell. Shitty monkeys live in the trees, and they love to eat these shitty-smelling coconuts, after which they shit the world's foulest shit. The shit falls on the ground and builds up shitty mounds, making the shitty palm trees that grow on them even shittier. It's an endless cycle.
It's a book that I recently picked up from the bookstore. I am a third through... and I cannot put it down. The story is so fascinating and dream-like. It is as if I am reading an adult version of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. I am certainly going to read other novels of his.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Love and Sacrifice

to love is to sacrifice.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Back to the States

I am back to the States. Arrived Wednesday night and my boss was kind enough to pick me up at the airport. We had sushi for dinner. Poor Bo and Daisy (my boss' two dogs) were freezing in the car while we were having dinner.

The past two days I have been fighting my jetlag. Mornings were fine but then when the afternoon came around, my head would become light and start spinning and my eyes would start drooping. 2007 has been so far a year of surprises and unexpectedness. For better or worse, life goes on. It is how we make sense of it.

I was going to spend time writing about my HK trip during my plane ride. But I ended up drifting in and out of sleep. Nothing was written as a results. I will start writing soon, I promise. A lot had happened. Hope my memory will serve me well as I write. Fortunately, I do have pictures to help me remember.