Saturday, October 08, 2005

An Equation...

Let's consider this hypothesis....

Everything in this world can be described by a single (differential) equation that involves time and space.

Hmm... I am not trying to prove this hypothesis. This hypothesis is actually too far-fetched to be true. But it raises several ideas that I find very interesting.

If you were to solve this equation, you would need an initial condition and a boundary condition. Once these two conditions are specified, you can then describe everything in this world, any sequence of events; in fact, it can even predict what you will eat for dinner tonight. So then my question is---who did set these conditions in the first place? One of the possible answers is that God did it. Perhaps, if you believe God is the Creator (for which I do believe so as a matter of faith), He might have even written this equation Himself.

Ok... here's the problem: once this equation was set in motion when He supplied the initial and boundary conditions, His work was done! finished! What else was there to do if this equation already describes everything and has the ability to predict everything to come. Some people believe that God intervenes actively in our daily life. But if this hypothesis were true, then God would not have to do so. In fact, He already knows what is going to happen; He already did intervene in our life because He wrote the equation to start with.

I guess what I want to point out is that when we pray to God, we often contradict ourselves. We pray that God would open doors for us... that He would watch over us... but then we also claim that He has a plan for us, He knows what has happened and what is going to happen in our life.

Life is full of contradictions, even for the faith that we hold dearly to.

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