Wednesday, October 19, 2005

One step closer

I finished a very rough draft of the last big chapter of my thesis. Thank God! I'll let my advisor read it tomorrow and see what he's got to say.

I am one step closer to my degree. After all these years of procrastination... oh... I feel so ashamed. I should have gotten this thing done back 1 or 2 years ago. But then... I should be happy now. I am almost there.

I think I have accomplished more this semester than I had for the past 2 years. Seriously, I am working 30 hrs a week... plus writing the thesis... and the wetland project... ha... also writing this blog too.

It's not over yet. I still have a bit more than a month to go before I deposit my thesis and be done with. Until then... I will work ever harder. I owe this to my beloved parents.


可可 said...

Good luck! Hopefully all things go well. And yupyup. Blogging has become one part of my life these days too.

JC said...

Thank you, 可可. Good luck on your MBA application too. I am reading a book... I don't particularly like it (I'll write about it in a later blog) but there are some ideas in there that I find quite useful. Envision your success... believe in what you can accomplish while holding that image in your mind...all cliché, but when you think about it, there's a certain truth to it.