Wednesday, June 27, 2007



A morning sprinkle... emerges a rainbow. I have never seen a rainbow so low near the horizon.
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

To my dear friend

You know... we do make an amazing number of decisions in our surprising short life. Granted, some of the decisions we have made or will be making are definitely right or definitely wrong. However, a majority of the decisions is in this gray area where there is no absolute right and wrong. Maybe time will tell. But I do believe that we can always learn something from the decisions that we've made. It is this learning experience that helps shape our character, our value, and our future. Without this experience, we might as well be living in a green house where we'd be sheltered from all the elements. We grow as we learn as we experience. The most important thing is to move forward in life, taking one step at a time. Only look back when you need to learn from your previous mistakes and to draw motivation, but never dwell in the past. What happened in the past, stay in the past.

We create our own cloud nine!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Milk Tea

All of a sudden, I want to drink Milk Tea, the Hong Kong kind, you know?

Friday, June 22, 2007

Friendship Festival

There is this carnival in town near my townhouse this weekend. After sunset, I took my camera and walked over there to check it out. I was going to take some pictures but I couldn't find my tripod... yeah an excuse, really... I was too conscientious. Just too many people there. I feel embarrassed to take any pictures.

As I walked amongst the rides, game booths, and food stands, I wonder what people are attracted to in small carnivals like this one. I understand kids are excited just about every ride and game... but what about adults other than kids' parents? I do admire this simple way of life. We can and should find contentment in small things, even in a small carnival in a small town. There are many great and grand things in this world. But everything has its place, I believe.

Road of Life

To know,
to understand,
to explore,
to experience.
The road of life
is tortuous and
cannot be without pain,
yet we continue on
to achieve our greater purpose.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Jasper's Visit

Finally get to meet Jasper in person yesterday. Picked her up at the airport and had dinner with her and friends in Magianno's. Will take her sightseeing in Chicago today. Got tickets for the architecture boat tour in the evening. Today will be very hot... Jasper is going to complain about the weather all day... I guarantee.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Surreal II

Morning mist surrounds me
I can hardly make out the
silhouette of things laid in front of me
But there she is
I can smell the fragrance of her hair
I can feel her presence
I know her
yet I don't
She is so close
yet so far
Never have I had such a multitude of feelings
I am lost in the continuum of space?

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Surreal I

I know what I've been feeling and
what I've been experiencing
and yet things have been so
seemingly unbelievable
or at least to me
that they are beyond my imagination
as if it has been a dream
a surreal kind of dream.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


As I was leaving for rehearsal/party last night, Daisy shouted at a distance and said "I need a hug!" Then she ran to me... I lifted her up and gave her a hug and swung her around.

Daisy and Douglas are living with their grandparents and they don't get to see their father very often. Maybe once every 2 weeks or so. It must be tough for the kids not having a father around.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

I am on cloud 9.