Friday, December 07, 2007

winter and snow

I do not dislike cold weather, except maybe a week or two during winter when the temperature dropped below -10 or -20 degrees. Otherwise cold temperature is usually bearable if wind is not a factor. In fact, I am starting to like running in the cold. It is refreshing. You even expanse a little more energy running in the cold because you lose more heat.

Snow is one thing that gives winter its charm. I am talking about light snow... enough that it covers everything. Nothing is more beautiful and serene than a landscape covered with a blanket of white snow. So romantic... So peaceful... So calm.


Anonymous said...

Running *under* extreme cold weather is bad for your lung though...I read that before. Take care.

JC said...

I was going to run this morning. But freezing rain, the road was really icy. well... maybe tomorrow morning.

CW said...

I have headache if I stay out for too long, when weather is very cold. Outdoor exercise will not happen to me during winter, except skiing/snow tubing. JC, take care of your body ... don't push yourself to the limit. ;)